Saturday, March 7, 2009

Faces of Orchids

I've always admired orchids from afar but had no idea what I was in for until I went to the Hausermann's Orchid Show last year. I was so intrigued by all the distinctive characteristics and decided to do a "Faces of Orchid" series.

All orchids have a single reproductive structure, called the column, which is formed by the fusion of the male stamens and female style. Orchids also have a modified third petal called a lip or labellum and produce enormous numbers of very tiny seeds.

I was so proud of these photos until I brought them to work, curious to hear feedback from friends. A co-worker who loves photography thought they were fabulous! However, one of my best friends who I rely on for good, constructive criticism, started to looked at them but immediately pushed them away. She refused to look further because, according to her, they were too "SCARY" . I was a little offended at first, but when I started to stare at them, I started getting SCARED too! Eventually I took the photos out of hiding and got other opinions with comments ranging from "exotic" to "erotic." Go figure!

Don't miss Hausermann's 2009 Orchid Show, going on through this weekend:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No fear from me. Look beautiful!

--Christine Olson